23 Vienna Daughters' Day: Registration for schoolgirls is now possible

Vienna Daughters Day takes place on April 25. Registration for this is currently open for students. There is also an extended Daughter's Day offer for younger women.

Vienna On April 25th it was once again. Day of the Daughters of Vienna takes place. This year's slogan is “This is my future” and aims to give all students from the 1st grade of middle school or high school an opportunity to get a taste of different professional fields. Last year 250 companies were able to provide exciting insights into the fields of technology, natural sciences, IT and crafts to more than 4,000 participants.

“Daughters' Day shows the exciting professional worlds of women – away from outdated stereotypes,” the initiator of Vienna's Daughters' Day, Deputy Mayor and Women's City Councilor Kathryn Kall (SPÖ), invites all women. Kindergarten-aged girls are celebrating its debut this year.

Concession for the little ones too

In addition, there is a KIDS Daughters' Day for elementary school-aged girls every two years. Here, elementary school classes, along with their teachers, can visit a company for two hours and take on the roles of builders, technicians, researchers and more as part of field trips.

Amazing experiments took place on Daughters Day 2023 in the Wiener Wasser (MA31).  “This year there is a premiere: after KIDS Daughters Day for elementary school students, we start with MINI Daughters Day for kindergarten-age girls.  Deputy Mayor and Women's City Councilor Kathryn Call said,

MINI Girls Day is aimed at girls in their last or final year of Kindergarten. Along with academics, they also visit an institution or organization where opportunities for women and girls in the professional world are playfully displayed.

Registration for Vienna Daughters Day offers opens online today, February 12th at 9am. www.toechtertag.at. The deadline for registration is April 15. The offer is aimed at women in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland. Participation is free for students and institutions. For girls, it is a school-related event that gives them a break from classes.

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