AI is more emotional than most people

pte20240415002 Technology/Digitalization, Research/Development

Despite many effective options, research shows that pessimism still reduces performance

Yidan Yin: Researcher wants to use AI to fight loneliness (Photo:

Yidan Yin: Researcher wants to use AI to fight loneliness (Photo:

Los Angeles (pte002/15.04.2024/06:05)

Psychologists, priests, and surprisingly, AI-generated posts provide people with emotional support and fulfill the need to be heard and validated. Researchers come to a conclusion Lloyd Grief Center for Entrepreneurship Studies at USC Marshall. Compared to untrained counterparts who want to help their peers, AI performs well, but only until people know that AI is behind the words of comfort.

AI helps against loneliness

“In the context of increasing loneliness, we wanted to find out if AI could really help people feel understood and validated,” says postdoctoral researcher Yidan Yin. Lloyd Grief Center for Entrepreneurship Studies USC Marshall School of Business in Los Angeles.

“The results of the experiments not only highlight the potential of AI to understand people and expand their communication skills, but also raise important conceptual questions about the importance of being heard, as well as practical questions about how best to use the strengths of AI-being,” says Yin.

You really don't like AI

In a pilot and follow-up study, “We found that AI has a greater potential for emotional support compared to untrained human interactions, and the devaluation of AI responses is a key challenge for the effective use of AI,” says Nan Jia, Associate. Professor of Strategic Management.

Yin “has basically identified a bias against AI. It's useful, but you don't want it.” Test participants also reported a sense of unease when they felt an empathic response coming from an AI. “It shows how complex and complex AI-human interactions are,” explains Cheryl Waxlock, associate professor of management and organization.

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On the other hand, according to the scientist, AI could develop into a valuable tool that helps people understand each other better, and then learn how to provide emotional support and show understanding.


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