As of today – Trade union elections: Under 500,000 Austrian workers elect their representatives

A total of six lists contested the AK elections in Lower Austria, vying for 110 seats in the Labor Parliament. These lists represent different political and trade union tendencies, i.e. the diverse interests and concerns of employees in Lower Austria are covered. The number of voters and the distribution of votes across individual lists will determine which directions and topics will be central to the union's work over the next five years.

The AK election in Lower Austria takes place from April 10 to 23 and is considered an essential democratic tool that enables employees to actively shape their interests and influence the design of their working and living conditions.

Where and how to choose

There are nearly 5,000 polling booths at nearly 1,000 locations across the state and their opening hours are posted at each polling station. Although voting card voters have the option to use public polling stations, voting cards are already mailed to organizations that do not have an organizational electoral district. In the district and service offices of AK Lower Austria to use

All employees, regardless of their nationality, have the right to vote in AK elections in Lower Austria. All members of the Chamber of Labor who work for a term or have a freelance service contract – a few weeks before the election – are considered eligible to vote. This includes trainees, part-time employees, employees on leave, civil or military service or those who have been unemployed in the last 12 months, provided they have registered on the electoral roll in good time.

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A central feature of elections is applying for a voting card that allows eligible voters to vote by post. You can apply online through the platform This requires an Austria ID or EU login. This possibility is not only for AK elections but also for other national level elections like European elections.

The preliminary final result of the AKNÖ election will be announced on April 24th at the AK Center St. Bolton. The final result will be announced on April 27. At the end of May, the newly elected Labor Parliament will meet for the first time with 110 chambers of councillors. NÖN reported on this in detail.

All information about the AK election in Lower Austria can be found here Online here.

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