Fatal accident during carpentry in Gaschern – Voralberg –

A terrible accident at Gaschern.
©canva, Google Maps – screenshot

A 68-year-old man was seriously injured in Kaschern on Sunday afternoon when he fell while doing woodwork on a steep slope.

On Sunday, March 4, 2024, the accident took place in a forest in Asharpoba district of Kaschen. A 68-year-old local man was alone doing woodwork around 2:30 p.m. The man is on very steep terrain and is working with a tool called a hand chubby, a tool for forest work, to loosen the trunk of a tree three meters long and wedged into the ground.

Außerbofa in Kaschern.

Außerbofa in Kaschern.
©Google Maps – Screenshot

An unfortunate fall

While trying to free the trapped trunk, the man falls about 40 meters through the steep forest. Head injuries occur during this fall. Although rescue operations were started immediately, the 68-year-old could no longer be helped.

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