Market Place: Citizen Initiative Protests Against NASHmark Redesign

Opinions are still divided about Naschmarkt's redesign. Opponents of the city plan see the original, historic appearance of Vienna's most famous market at risk. The citizens' initiative “Initiative Freeram Nashmark” therefore invited people to protest on Sunday.

Vienna/Wieden/Margaretn/Mariahilfe. At least part of the Naschmarkt needs to be redesigned. A few meters from the Kattenbrückengas subway station, behind the market office, the City of Vienna plans a covered market place. It should provide space for regional products, gastronomy and activities, but also greenery and coolness. Plans for this were already presented last autumn – reported:

The new Nashmark comes with a green roof and park

Plans were thrown out several times. Citizen initiatives and opposition parties opposed the original idea of ​​building a covered market hall at the site. A “bulky, clunky hall that closes in on all sides” must not exist. It eventually became “just” a green market place.

But there is still resistance to the “light version”. The “Freiraum Naschmarkt Initiative” invited people to a protest on Sunday, March 3. One of the many points of criticism was that the Art Nouveau ensemble in Wienzeile was blocked by the market place.

Citizens' efforts are questionable

“The hall does not fit into the landscape of Nashmark and does not fit into the World Cultural Heritage Protection Zone in the city,” said Monica Fertini of the “Initiative Freeram Nashmark” in an interview with “Vienna Today”. .

Fertini doubts whether the planned green roof can be implemented. The City states: Market place is the result of a process of citizen participation and competition of ideas; The farmers market will be at its full size – about 1,600 square meters.

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