Rosacea: Tips for dealing with the skin condition

Rosacea, also known as couperose, is an inflammatory skin disease—and it's chronic. Unfortunately, it cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be suppressed. Red spots, blisters and bumpy nose: there is always shame, which makes the desire for proper treatment more urgent. Here's a guide to what helps and what doesn't, what impact the right diet has, and what to avoid if you have rosacea.

Control inflammation

Although there is no cure for rosacea, the extent of skin disease can be controlled with certain skin remedies and natural supports. Cold compresses, pads or compresses made from aloe vera, chamomile tea or green tea are considered all-rounders.

Don't overdo it

People who suffer from skin diseases often worry a lot about it. The mind revolves around proper care and everything is tried – but it sometimes has the opposite effect. Excessive care puts even more stress on the skin. For rosacea, the less, the gentler the better. Warm water is your best friend in your daily care routine

Medicinal diet against rosacea

Diet is the be-all and end-all for inflammatory-chronic diseases and can have an incredible impact. With rosacea, it is important to avoid foods that promote inflammatory processes in the body. These include animal fat such as pork and cow's milk, industrial sugar and wheat. Instead, a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, a preference region to avoid chemical sprays, vegetable oils, nuts and fish will end up on the plate.


Detox processes that support the liver and intestines help the body deal with inflammatory processes. Intermittent fasting helps many patients. In fact, the underlying causes of rosacea flare-ups are often found in internal organs, excess toxins that can no longer be excreted, or long-term inflammatory processes such as celiac disease (gluten intolerance due to chronically inflamed intestinal mucosa). A consultation with a general practitioner or specialist can be informative.

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Aside from the dos and don'ts, rosacea no-goes are delightful products and activities that have an anti-inflammatory effect. The most important factor is the sun – more sun protection is a must, even in winter and on less sunny days! Tobacco and alcohol should be avoided, as should excessive sweating in the sauna or during exercise. Spicy foods can also increase the intensity. Danger! The popular hyaluronic acid has a rosacea-promoting effect and should be avoided in cosmetics if possible!

Makeup and maintenance

Make-up should be used only when absolutely necessary, otherwise – warm water and a large amount of sun protection. Be careful with cosmetic companies that advertise different rosacea creams. Useless cosmetics that do not help are often sold for a lot of money. The following apply here – dermatologists and Pharmacy staff Know better!

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