Scholz: China ready to play more active role in peace efforts…

In Beijing, the German chancellor asked the Chinese leader to influence Russia over the war in Ukraine.

According to President Olaf Scholz, China is ready to participate in peace efforts in Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. “We also agreed: China and Germany want to support and promote peace efforts in Ukraine,” Scholz said Tuesday in Beijing after more than three hours of meetings with President Xi Jinping and talks with Premier Li Qiang. Both sides are ready to “intensely and positively coordinate” a high-level peace conference in Switzerland and the possible organization of future international peace conferences. The president added that President Vladimir Putin had asked Xi to influence Russia to “finally give up its crazy campaign, withdraw its forces and end this terrible war.” China has a special responsibility as a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

“Hunger should not be a weapon”

Schalls emphasized that it would be good if a few key points were agreed upon. He agreed with Xi that safeguarding sovereignty and territorial integrity are essential foundations for a sustainable peace order. Additionally, we collectively reject attacks on nuclear power plants, such as nuclear power plants. “We demand appropriate solutions to the problems of food security in the world. Grain production and exports should not be interrupted. Hunger should not become a weapon,” said Scholz, referring to attacks on a Ukrainian nuclear power plant in Russian-occupied Zaporizhia and Russian attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure for transporting grain through the Black Sea and other agricultural facilities. .And it was reiterated that even the threat of nuclear weapons should be avoided.

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As for the war, Xi and he agreed that international humanitarian law must be respected and civilians protected in the conflict, Scholz said. Prisoners of war on both sides should be released soon and their rights respected. The German government has long been trying to convince China to use its influence over Russia to end the war in Ukraine. In this context, Scholz had criticized the so-called dual-use goods from China to Shanghai, which could be used both civilian and military by Russia to wage war in Ukraine.

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