SPÖ leader Poplar categorically rejects an alliance with the FPÖ

Yesterday, SPÖ party leader Andreas Popler once again categorically rejected an alliance with the FPÖ in a ZIB2 interview. For the SPÖ, this affects the federal and state levels, the party leader said.

Poplar also clung to a hereditary line as a coalition condition for the SPÖ. The SPÖ leader did not want to accept that no party other than the Greens would support such an initiative.

He also contradicted the assessment that the SPÖ could not win the election because of the issues he had set. For example, when the political scientist Anton Belinka suspected the “Pabler effect”, Babler said he had a “different thesis”. Popler said that in the six months since he took over the party leadership, he has “done a solid job”.

Best before summer

If Popler has his way, it should soon be clear whether the SPÖ can win the National Council elections under him. “I am in favor of a quick vote before the summer,” he said in response to a question in a ZIB2 interview on Monday.

Party chief's post “not a dream gig”

Poplar couldn't deny that – not least in the last few weeks – some SPÖ members also made negative headlines. He also commented on the high consulting fees alleged by former SPÖ party leader and chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer to Cigna.

He appraised them critically and inquired about the performance. However, he did not want to exclude Gusenpower from the party. The post of party leader is “not a dream job,” Kusenbauer said when asked if he intended to suspend his SPÖ membership himself.

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Amnesty “Reflects Social Democracy”

Popler said he was “shocked” by the Facebook post of SPÖ national council member Andreas Kollross. Druma's mayor mocked rape on social media.

Popler said he wanted to apologize on behalf of the Social Democrats. The SPÖ representative apologized and “immediately deleted” the post, and Papler backed up the fact that Kollross was not harmed by the post.

Regarding the Middle East conflict, Popler reiterated the SPÖ's criticism, as Austria voted against a UN resolution for a humanitarian ceasefire in December. All measures should be taken to protect the public.

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