The German Interior Ministry should investigate extradition to Afghanistan

Interior Minister Nancy Fazer is exploring options for repatriating criminals and dangerous individuals to Afghanistan, ministry sources said.

The German Interior Ministry is considering ways to extradite criminals to Afghanistan. “Federal Home Affairs Minister Nancy Faser is actively exploring options for deporting criminals and dangerous individuals back to Afghanistan,” Reuters learned from ministry sources on Monday evening. “In these cases, Germany’s security interests must outweigh the victim’s interest in staying,” it continued.

“The repatriation of Syrians who commit serious crimes or are classified as threats is also being explored, however, we caution against illusions.” Given the difficult security situation and the fact that Afghanistan does not have an internationally recognized government, difficult questions need to be clarified.

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The trigger was a man from Afghanistan who stabbed a police officer to death in Mannheim over the weekend. Politicians from the SPD and FDP demanded that deportations to Afghanistan be made possible again. The Greens slowed down in the debate.

The German Interior Ministry points out that a comprehensive legal package for swift and frequent deportations is already in place. This would make it much easier to deport criminals and dangerous people โ€“ especially from the Islamic spectrum. The fact that the German Federal Police is currently not allowed to support states responsible for extradition to Afghanistan is based on a decision by the then CSU Interior Minister Horst Seehofer after the fall of the Afghan government by the Taliban in August 2021. However, deportations should be particularly accelerated for people who pose a threat to public security in Germany, the interior ministry continued. If this is not possible for “legal or factual reasons”, especially important is standard litigation and, if necessary, additional measures to avoid the risk by the responsible state authorities. (APA/Reuters)

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