Too little evidence: Suspect after terror alert in Vienna

A terror suspect has been released. There is a lack of evidence. It was rumored that an attack was planned on St. Stephen's Cathedral.

Vienna Three suspects who were rumored to be planning to attack St. Stephen's Cathedral before Christmas at a refugee camp in Vienna-Ottakring have been arrested. One of them was released on January 5.

“He was released at the behest of the public prosecutor,” said 47-year-old defense lawyer Florian Kreiner. The order was issued because “urgent suspicion has not been substantiated,” as Nina Buszek, a spokeswoman for the authority, said.

Lack of evidence

All three suspects are accused of belonging to a transnational radical Islamist terror network that allegedly planned attacks in Germany and Vienna. The Vienna Public Prosecutor's Office conducted an investigation and during the house search, 14 cell phones were seized from the suspects, which are currently being evaluated.

Griner insisted from the start that there was no evidence against his client and that his arrest at the refugee shelter was due to his coincidental proximity to another suspect.

At the same time, a 30-year-old man arrested in Germany and allegedly belonging to the same terrorist movement was known to be deported. Deportation proceedings were initiated on the basis of a European Arrest Warrant. The man is currently in the Cologne Correctional Facility pending extradition proceedings at the Cologne Public Prosecutor's Office.

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