150 years of SPÖ: Popler warns of “totalitarian turn”.

Popler said we face a “directional decision” in the EU elections on June 9 and the National Council elections in the autumn. He warned of attacks on the black-and-blue federal government and democratic institutions such as the judiciary and the media.

The SPÖ must take a clear stand against this, just as it has repeatedly stood up against authoritarian tendencies and for freedom and peace in the 150 years since its founding. “It is to protect this democracy,” the party leader asserted.

“Improve the living conditions of every person”

Among other things, he advocated affordable living, special appointments, better educational institutions and personal rights for the elderly in dignity. Additionally, the fight against global warming must be a political priority. “We have a picture of clean air in cities, natural landscapes, wildlife that hasn't disappeared and glaciers that still exist,” he noted.

It has been shown many times in the past that social democracy can win elections even under difficult circumstances. This can now be achieved again – with the aim of “improving living conditions for all”, Popler said.

Burse: “The best is now ahead of us”

The second president of the National Council, Doris Pers, insisted that the SPÖ had “always been on the side of democracy, always on the side of freedom” since its founding. It is their historical responsibility to resist anti-democratic tendencies. He was optimistic about the upcoming elections: “The best is not behind us, but the best is now ahead of us.”

APA/Tobias Steinmaurer

The SPÖ celebrated its anniversary in the place where it was founded – in Neudorf in Burgenland

Fischer: A Plea for “Unity, Unity and Morality”.

Former Federal President Heinz Fischer looked back and pleaded for “unity, unity and discipline”. In 1874, 15 years passed from the congress of delegates of 74 trade unions in Neudorfl (Lajdaszentmiklós) in Hungary to the official founding of a united party in Heinfeld (Lilianfeld district) in Lower Austria – due to differences. According to Fischer, opinion within the party is between extremists and moderates.

Since then, unity, solidarity and discipline have been critical to the success of social democracy. “They're going to be important in the 21st century. That's my belief,” Fischer said.

There should be honest discussion and transparent action within the party. “This is a prerequisite for further victories for social democracy,” said Fischer. A strong SPÖ is very important today. “The fate of this country rests a lot on social democracy,” said the former federal president.

Furst represented Toskosil

Burgenland SPÖ club president Roland Fürst, who represented the state governor Hans-Peter Toskosil, highlighted the electoral successes and content of the Reds in Burgenland – more on this at burgenland.ORF.at. Dieter Bosch, the mayor of Neudorf and member of the state parliament, as well as Popler and Bures, pleaded for unity. “I see a better future for our party if we stop talking about each other and talk to each other.”

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