Crime Scene: Revenge – Crime Scene: Revenge from October 7, 2023 at 10:35 pm – ORF TVthek

Movies & Series |


Crime Scene: Retaliatory

“Revenge” is the name of the 24th case in the cult TV series of the Vienna inquisitor, who confronts Eisner through gruesome murders involving juvenile delinquents. What's new in this red-white-and-red “crime scene” from 2010 is that it's not just the crime that presents the Austrian commissioner with almost unsolvable puzzles: Adele Neuhauser is also for the first time an investigative partner at Harald Krausnitzer's side. In the role of the burnt-out and alcoholic but lovable assistant PP Fellner, he joins Moritz Eisner on a perilous search for clues.

Cast: Harald Krassnitzer (Moritz Eisner), Adele Neuhauser (Bibi Fellner), Rasa Weber (Kira), Harald Schrott (Jochen Schmitz), Tanja Raunig (Claudia Eisner) and others.
Director: Wolfgang Murnberger
Screenplay: Uli Pree

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Image credit: ORF/Allegro Film/Oliver Roth

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