Georgia: Tens of thousands protest against “Russian law”.

In Georgia, tens of thousands of people took to the streets again today against a “foreign influence” law, after parliament approved the controversial proposal in its first reading. In the evening, around 20,000 demonstrators blocked traffic in front of the parliament in Tbilisi, chanting “No Russian law!” They shouted.

Demonstrators gave authorities an ultimatum to withdraw the draft law within an hour. They then went to the office of Prime Minister Iraq Kobakitse and demanded to meet him, an AFP journalist watched.

Protests also took place in other cities across the country, including the second-largest Georgian city of Batumi, Interpress news agency reported.

Ban on foreign funding

Parliament had earlier approved the law on “foreign influence” in its first reading. The draft law requires companies that receive at least 20 percent of their funds from abroad to register with the authorities. Critics see parallels to Russia's anti-“foreign agents” law, which allows authorities there to take action against prominent media outlets and institutions.

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