Half of cancer deaths are avoidable – burgenland.ORF.at

Across Austria, 20,683 women and 24,081 men were diagnosed with cancer in 2022. The most common diagnoses are breast tumors in women and malignant prostate tumors in men. About 30 percent of new cases in women will be breast cancer by 2022. Prostate cancer accounts for nearly 30 percent of newly diagnosed malignant neoplasms among men.

Prognosis: The number of cancer patients is increasing

A particularly worrying development is lung cancer, which is becoming more and more deadly. Lung cancer accounts for one in five cancer deaths in men. And among women, lung cancer — just ahead of breast cancer — has recently become the number one cause of cancer-related death. According to experts, the number of cancer patients in Austria is expected to rise to 460,000 by 2030. So paying attention to proper precautions is very important. Cancer can be prevented through a healthy lifestyle and regular check-ups.


The HPV vaccine is free up to age 21

The HPV vaccine is also an important factor. But the vaccination rate is currently 40 per cent – ​​the target would be 90. “School vaccinations are very limited access because you don't have to go to the doctor, you don't have to get vaccinated. It's entered directly on the vaccination certificate,” said Mikaela Klein, head of CancerAid Burgenland. “The vaccine is free up to the age of 21, and beyond that the vaccine is promoted at a reduced price of 145 euros per pack,” said Deputy State Governor and Pink Ribbon Ambassador Astrid Eisenkopf (SPÖ).

Development is progressing rapidly

The risk of developing cancer increases with age. As the population ages, it is now necessary to adapt the healthcare system accordingly. Staff shortages can already be seen. If you don't react now, things will get tougher in seven years, says Klein. However, on the positive side, advances in medicine are advancing rapidly and more lives can be saved with new treatments.

Austrian Cancer Support


Cancer deaths can be avoided through better prevention

“In Austria everyone has access to all the therapeutic drugs through the health insurance companies, and these are becoming more effective, which is why we can live longer even when diagnosed with cancer,” Klein said. The employees of Krebshilfe Burgenland supported more than 2,000 sick people last year. In addition, around 70,000 euros were paid for emergency aid. The money comes entirely from donations.

Sagartz: “Joining the Fight Against Cancer”

ÖVP state party leader Christian Sagards emphasized in a broadcast that 800 people die of cancer every year in Burgenland. The European Union has proposed a package to prevent cancer. In Austria, the HPV vaccine is free for one year up to the age of 21. “As a result, demand for vaccination has increased sixfold among young people between the ages of 12 and 21,” Sagards said.

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