Historic election win for separatists in Basque Country

The separatist left-wing coalition EH Build yesterday celebrated a historic victory in parliamentary elections in Spain's Basque Country. After 95 percent of votes were counted, the coalition advocating for the region's independence won 27 seats in northern Spain – EH Bildu, founded in 2012, won 21 seats, six more than the last vote in 2020. It has achieved the best results in its history till date.

APA/AFP/Ander Gillenea

But stay in opposition

However, separatists remain in opposition, and by late evening it was clear that the government coalition between the conservative regional party PNV and the Socialists (PSOE) would continue. According to the available results, the Electoral Commission announced that the parties PNV (27) and PSOE (12) won an absolute majority in 39 of the 75 seats in the Parliament in Vitoria. The alliance will lose two seats due to this.

Like EH Bild, the PNV of the previous regional head of government, Inigo Urcullu, has a nationalist orientation and demands greater self-determination for the Basques from the central government in Madrid, but appears to be less radical. Urkullu (62), who has been in power since 2012, did not present himself as the first candidate this time. He will be replaced as head of government by his party colleague Imanol Pratales (49).

ETA's bloody terror

The terrorist organization ETA has waged a bloody war for an independent Basque country in Spain for decades. Of their approximately 3,000 attacks, 857 died and around 2,600 were wounded. In 2018 the organization announced its dissolution. The Basque Country is one of the wealthiest countries in what is now called the Autonomous Regions of Spain.

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