“I'm a form of Navalny”: Trump compares himself to a Kremlin critic

Former US President Donald Trump considers himself a “victim of some sort of communism or fascism” because of his fines for financial fraud.

Former US President Donald Trump has compared himself to Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, who died in a Russian penal colony because of his legal troubles. In a program hosted by the right-wing television channel Fox News in the state of South Carolina, Trump said that the $355 million (€329 million) financial fraud fine imposed by a New York court on Tuesday (local time). A form of Navalni.

Like Navalny, the right-wing populist described himself as a victim of a “form of communism or fascism”. America was “becoming a communist country in many ways.”

Trump called Putin a “genius.”

Navalny died on Friday in a Russian penal colony in the Arctic. One of the most prominent critics of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In 2020, Navalny narrowly survived a nerve agent poisoning for which he blamed the Kremlin.

Unlike many Western politicians and governments, Trump has drawn massive criticism for avoiding blaming Putin for Navalny's death. In the past, Trump has repeatedly expressed his admiration for Putin, describing him as a “genius” among other things.

Navalny “may withdraw”

On Tuesday, when asked by moderator Laura Ingraham about the Navalny case, Trump did not mention the Russian president by name, but spoke only vaguely of a “worst-case scenario.” The Republican presidential candidate described Navalny as a “very brave guy” as he returned to Russia after receiving treatment in Germany following the gas attack.

“He could have stayed away. And frankly, he would have done better if he had stayed away and spoken outside the country,” Trump said.

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Trump and Sons have raised assets

He pointed out that similar incidents in the Navalny case are also happening in the United States. Trump was fined $350 million in a New York civil trial on Friday after he and his sons Donald Jr. and Eric allegedly artificially inflated the assets of the family real estate empire by billions of dollars over the years. Favorable conditions from banks and insurance companies.

In addition, Trump was indicted on four criminal charges last year, including an attempt to reverse his election loss to incumbent President Joe Biden in 2020 and his role in January's assault on rabid Trump supporters inside a congressional seat in Washington. 2021.

Voting is about to take place in South Carolina

Trump wants to challenge Biden in November's presidential election and, based on the way the primaries have gone so far, has a good chance of being re-nominated by Republicans. Another Republican primary will be held in South Carolina next weekend. (APA/AFP)

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