Israel: Law allows to shut down foreign TV channels

Israel Parliament approves “Al-Jazeera Law”. Parliament announced today that MPs in Jerusalem voted in second and third readings for a law that would allow foreign TV channels to be shut down if they are deemed to pose a risk to state security.

The closure may be ordered by Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi, news site Ynet reported. It can lead to the closing of a broadcaster's offices in Israel, the confiscation of its broadcast equipment, the removal of broadcasts from cable and satellite television providers, and the deactivation of its website.

Netanyahu wants to shut down Al-Jazeera

According to the Times of Israel, right-wing conservative Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he would immediately work to shut down Al-Jazeera after the law was approved. However, such attempts have failed in the past.

Israel accuses it of broadcasting a discriminatory report. Al-Jazeera's broadcasts and reports constituted “anti-Israeli incitement,” Garhi said after a Hamas massacre in the Israeli border area last year. This statement helps terrorist organizations like Hamas.

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