Salzburg runoff election: 14 municipalities elect mayor on Palm Sunday

The Salzburg Municipal Council elections will go into a second round with a runoff election on March 24, 2024. The battle between Bernhard Auinger and Kay-Michael Dankl in Salzburg will be very exciting. Follow Election Day on our live blog! The situation of this 2024 election should not be ignored.

Palm Sunday is election day in 14 runoff communities. In addition to the state capital Salzburg, run-off elections will be held in three Flachgau communities (Neumarkt, Schleidorf, Strobl), three Tennengau communities (Oberalm, Buch, Bad Wigaon), two Pinschau communities (Salfelden, Neukirchen am Großweniger). In five Bongau communities (St. Johann, Bad Gastein, Bad Hofgastein, Forstau, Mühlbach). The results of the second phase of the 2024 elections will be available from 2 pm onwards. The first election result can be expected from Forstau, Pongau community has already completed its poll at 1:30 pm.

A total of 165,665 citizens were eligible to vote in the 14 runoff elections, and 22,134 ballots were issued, according to state data. The city of Salzburg has a record number of ballots with 15,203 ballots.

Former Federal President Fischer backs “Bernd”.

After the elections two weeks ago, campaigning has intensified in the runoff communities with candidates vying for every vote until the last minute. In Salzburg on Thursday, former federal leader Heinz Fischer appeared as Bernhard Avunger's (SPÖ) campaign aide: “Bernth Avunger is a candidate who deserves a lot of good points. On Sunday the course will be set between a social democrat who is committed to social democracy and a communist who expresses communism.” He believes that a social democratic politician corresponds too closely to the image people have of Salzburg. SN local manager Heidi Huber was at the press conference in Salzburg and you can read her observations here.

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