The Kremlin insists on Ukrainian involvement in the attack

Despite several confessions by Islamic State (IS) militants about an attack on a concert hall near Moscow a week ago, Russian officials continue to insist on Ukrainian intervention. Russia's investigative body said today that the suspects said they received instructions from an unknown person via voice messages on Telegram.

After the attack, this “coordinator” led the terrorists towards the Ukrainian border and promised them that they would be rewarded in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev.

Visitors suspect torture

Those arrested appeared in court a few days ago, some seriously injured, and independent Russian media indicated they may have been tortured by Russian security forces. Russian human rights organizations were also horrified, pointing out that confessions obtained under torture have little value.

On March 22, Russia was rocked by its worst terrorist attack in years. At least 144 people were killed and 382 injured in Krasnogorsk, northwest of Moscow, as a result of the attack on the Crocus City Hall grounds. IS has already claimed responsibility for this crime several times.

Western security officials and experts believe it to be credible and suspect IS Khorasan (IS-K) behind the attack. Nevertheless, after the attack, Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin and other Russian officials allegedly blamed Ukraine for the crime, without providing any evidence. Ukraine, which has been defending itself against a brutal Russian war of aggression for more than two years, categorically rejected this.

Kremlin: Attack on Russia's South Blocked

Russia's secret service says it foiled an attack in the south of the country. The domestic secret service FSB today announced the arrest of three suspected criminals from a “Central Asian country”. The suspects wanted to detonate a bomb in a public place in the Stavropol region.

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The FSB “put an end to the terrorist activities of three citizens of the Central Asian country,” a statement from the intelligence service was carried by Russian news agencies.

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