Actiontheater celebrates its 35th anniversary with the premiere: State Capital Presence

“Actiontheater Ensemble” celebrates “All About Me”. No Life After Me” 35th Anniversary. © Channa Hafsky

“Actiontheater Group” celebrates its 35th anniversary with a powerful statement, namely the premiere of “All About Me”. There is no life after me.”

The piece is presented in co-production with Bregenzer Frühling and Vorarlberger Landestheater. The premiere will be held on May 16, 2024, followed by further shows on May 19, 21, 23, 24 and 25, 2024 at 7:30 PM.

At a time characterized by growing social uncertainty, “It’s all about me. No Life After Me” takes a critical look at political grievances. The constant possibility of failure in working together is, so to speak, a nervous pacemaker in the plays of the “Actiontheatre Ensemble.” In retrospect, perhaps everything was better once upon a time, and the ensemble draws on bits and pieces of our lives and our work. In the face of war, climate catastrophes and a general shift to the right, people search for the meaning of their previous actions, while entering the Biedermeier of the private sphere.

“Actiontheater Ensemble” uses theatrical art to create an experience that challenges the audience and makes them think. The new piece reflects the search for meaning and identity in times of transition. It invites you to explore together the complexity of our world and discover new perspectives.

The 35th anniversary of the “Actiontheater Group” is a milestone that marks a tireless commitment to culture and celebrates the diversity of the arts in Vorarlberg. Congratulations to Martin Gruber and the entire team! “I’m sure the premiere on May 16 will touch the hearts of audiences, and I look forward to the next 35 years of artistic innovation and commitment to arts and culture in the state,” said Mayor Michael Ritch.

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Michael Routh, the city councilor for culture, congratulates the 35th anniversary: ​​“Action theater takes place today and in the present, that is why it affects us, always takes us with it and makes us think. I congratulate Martin Gruber and his Action Theater on 35 years of success and its development into an internationally recognized project, because it is not theater in the traditional sense. It is an interaction between all participants that ultimately creates a performance through the ‘quick reaction power of theatre’ that is never the same.

35 Years of “Action Theater Group”

Austrian Art Prize

All about me. I have no life after that

Martin Gruber and the World Premiere of “Actiontheater Group”.

In cooperation with the state capital Bregenz and the Vorarlberger Landtheater’s cultural service of the international dance festival Pregenzer Frühling and the Theater am Werk in Vienna.

Premiere: Thursday, May 16, 7:30 p.m

Further performances: May 19, 21, 23, 24 and 25, each at 7:30 pm

Vorarlberger Landesteater, Grosse Haus, Kornmarktplatz, 6900 Bregenz

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