Kyiv controls the issuance of passports abroad

Ukraine stops issuing passports to men aged 18 to 60 living abroad. A regulation published yesterday on the government's official online portal stated that sending passports to Ukrainian consular missions abroad “will no longer be practical.” This means that Ukrainian men of military age will be able to obtain only their passports in the country in the future.

The move is part of the Ukrainian government's efforts to encourage the men to return to their home country. Most recently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kyiv announced the temporary suspension of consular services for male Ukrainians living abroad between the ages of 18 and 60 — except for the issuance of identity cards to return to Ukraine.

Struggle in Poland

Today, hundreds of Ukrainians protested in front of a passport issuing office in the Polish capital, Warsaw, after not being handed over their documents. Officials justified the stoppage with “technical issues”. Ukrainian Ambassador to Poland Vasyl Svarich assured the AFP news agency that all applications for travel documents submitted before April 23 will be considered.

Kiev tightened rules on the mobilization of soldiers two weeks ago. Among other things, conscientious objectors are punished more severely and military servicemen are later released.

After more than two years of war, Ukraine has fallen hard behind the Russian aggressors. Recently, the army has been facing great difficulty in recruiting new soldiers.

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