Wells City Administration

New campus

Anyone who has participated in the “Atelier Friday” event series already knows: the gallery will have a new home this fall. Minoritenplatz I am Shooting Yard Wing of a former minority monastery. For now, it already is Atelier accommodated. It will move to a new room in the Alte Sparkasse from autumn Media Culture House (MKH, Bolheimerstrasse 17). Important: Package and MKH will still work together in selected projects! This is one of the reasons why it is traditional A strong connection Between two Wells cultural institutions Also in the future have Instead, the future is spatial connection of the Municipal Gallery Minoridon City Museum An extra Enrichment : In addition to the existing infrastructure, exhibition areas on two floors make it possible to present drawings, paintings and sculptures in appropriate areas.

New mission statement

Basic questions environment between Art And this Basic human experience All can be brought to the source of the work of art.
• “What do I experience when I draw?”
• “What do I do when I paint?”
• “How do I feel when I carve stone or wood?”
• “How do I handle my brush?”
• “How does expression emerge in a painting?”
• “What and how do I feel when I draw a motif, and then let my hand draw what I feel when I look at the drawing in a painting?”

For the viewer at exhibitions and for the artist working in the studio workshop, it is Excellent sinking ability In The world of fine art. In art education, the focus is on the inner creation of the outer appearance of painting, drawing and sculpture and architecture. Have a gallery of the city of Wells Artists and art seekers Provide a place where they can meet each other Meet openly And enjoy yourself as a co-creator of a solid observation of contemporary art.

Under its new management, the City of Wells Gallery is dedicated to… Contemporary fine art of 20th and 21st centuries Focuses on painting, drawing, sculpture, graphics and architecture. Concrete art questions will integrate the works of contemporary visual artists and perhaps show them in a new light.

It will do Mainly artists active nationally and internationally will be displayed. Regardless of this Known by name or not yet discovered The focus is purely on artistic expression. The aim is to experience the 20th and 21st centuries in their interconnectedness and their specific characteristics.

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die Diversity is different Arts organizations and initiatives From the gallery in the city of Wells, Wells has many advantages and opportunities. Different approaches and what they offer galleries And Artists Associations Each is characterized by its own characteristics. One Increased networking This program aims to create a sense of diversity.

New plan

The gallery presents annual events based on this new mission statement Four major artist exhibitions. Presentations Selected Works from current Studio activity Photograph Two more fixed dates. Exhibition venue MKH (Pollheimerstraße 17) until autumn, after which the exhibition will move to new premises in Minoriten's Schießerhof wing (Minoritenplatz). at Atelier As already described, it is quite the opposite.

Adults and youth above 14 years of age can already attend there regularly Workshop Friday Van 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM To act artistically, that next time I am Friday, February 2. Studio activity should accompany exhibitions Artistic activity (drawing, painting and sculpture) to enable the thematic discussion of the works of art-loving people and exhibitions. The current topic is “From Drawing to Color”. One has already been fixed Portrait workshop That day with Katja Vasilieva March 3 Sunday Van 11:00 AM to 5:00 PMAnd this is the case from the summer semester of 2025 Kinderatelier Maximilian planned.

Success will continue Cooperation Gallery and The Programkino At MKH: Films focusing on painting, sculpture and artist biography will also be shown there in 2024. at Friday, February 2 The film begins “Die Giacomettis”: It traces the history of the extraordinary Swiss artist family, and looks at the work and artistic development of father Giovanni and siblings Diego, Otilia and Bruno, in addition to the more famous son Alberto. Additional information Information under programmkinowels.at/filmdetail/die-giacomettis!

The Exhibition year 2024 Begins on Thursday, February 8 One 7:00 p.m with the opening “When the Animals Leave the Jungle”. The show takes as a leitmotif modern man's escapist moves into the future and his eroding relationship with nature. Painter Ina Fassing and conceptual photographer and musician Daniel Pabst Create a meditative installation arrangement of dystopian narrative power, memory and destruction. Can see from her Friday, February 9 to Friday, April 5 During normal opening hours (see below).

I am Thursday, April 18 The verse is as follows “Painting from the Sculptor's Hand” Van Marcus Erich Meyer. This exhibition is from then Friday, April 19 to Friday, June 28 to see A few days before this date – at the beginning of summer June 20, Thursday – It rises Welcome to the first summer Gallery. This is the site for the completion and presentation of the current artist exhibition Selected works from the studio Winter Semester 2023/2024 and Summer Semester 2024.

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Known from last year Gallery Summer It takes place this year Monday 15th July to Friday 26th July instead. Under the motto “Cityscapes and Transcapes”, 14-year-olds and youngsters can explore the city. Welsh “En Blin Air” – i.e. in the open – Drawing and painting Explore. A selection of the resulting works will be presented here Gallery Matinee The city of Wells is always presented in different locations at the end of summer: this year it is Saturday 7 September In collaboration with Stadtplatz-Freiung in the park passage Theater Kornspiecher case.

With an exhibition of his native Welzer Ewald Walzer Under the motto “Caught Time” The end will be inside herb The New house Gallery of the City of Wells in the Minority Shooting Yard Wing Initiated. Once gallery opening hours are established at the new location, the exact opening date and duration of the exhibition will follow in due course.

At this time MKH is basically the gallery of the city of Wells Tuesday to Thursday Van 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM And Freedag Van 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM and will be opened by appointment. Opening hours of exhibitions at other locations will be announced separately. Further Information – Details of individual artists and nominees and details of pending exhibitions, registration for courses etc. wels.at/stadtgalerie I am the Internet!

New Chairman from 2023

Mac. Karin Zorn Born in Vienna in 1970 and trained in art at the then University of Design (now the University of the Arts). Linz and at the University of the Arts Berlin Completion So far your task with care Oil painting Includes about 800 paintings and drawings and graphic works. Mag. Zorn's previous artistic positions were in Berlin for a total of ten years, as well as in Wels (Cobalt Artist Group), Linz and Vienna.

In Berlin In addition to participating in and designing exhibitions, he has joined international exhibition projects. In Ween Between 2012 and 2014, Mag. Zorn, together with architects Elliott Barnes and Paul Richter, planned and executed the large-scale architectural mural “Occident and Orient – Tripytchon” in a new private building in Vienna. From 2018 onwards She's back in Cat fish with his own studio in Hafergasse.

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As well as working in privately run galleries (for example the art association AA Gallery), Mag. Zorn has worked on other things. Commemorative year 2019 Special Exhibition”Maximilian I. – Artistic Search for Traces between History and Memory” co-hosted by the Minareton City Museum. Your Activity Cultural and Financial Advisory Committee The City of Wells will end in 2023 after Mac Gunter Mayor as director of the Gallery of the City of Wells.

Mayor Dr. Andreas Rabl: “Art has an important meaning for a community. It reflects current events and looks beyond the everyday. The City Gallery of Wells also focuses on contemporary art by regional and international artists. The gallery should be a meeting place and accessible to anyone interested in art. The City Gallery operates under the direction of Karin Zorn. I wish you success in the future.

Cultural Officer, Deputy Mayor Krista Ragel-Muhlberger: “With new offers like Studio Friday and Gallery Summer we want to make the city gallery interesting for young people again. I am delighted to be able to hire Karin Zorn for this position. Not only experienced in organizing and curating exhibitions, but also an artist at heart.”

Gallery Director Mack. Karin Zorn: “Today there is a great opportunity to meet the fine art interest of young people – especially painting and drawing – in a very practical way. Concrete artistic questions must be connected with feeling, so that the appearance of art creation must be accessible and emotional. From this experience, art lovers can form their own fair judgment about works of art. As a gallery for contemporary fine art, we recognize this educational mission.

Managing Director Mac. Boris Schulte (House of Media Culture): “The collaboration with the gallery has enriched MKH for 20 years and we say goodbye with tears in our eyes. Nevertheless, we look forward to new spaces and opportunities for culture. I wish new manager Karin Zorn and technical director Johannes Castinger all the best for this new phase and look forward to future collaborations.

Image Credits: City of Wells (free reprint if specified).

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